
Roller blinds in the kitchen

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Roller blinds (other names - blinds or roller blinds) today are one of the most popular options for window decoration in the kitchen. They are practical, ideal for small rooms, take up minimal space and are inexpensive. The essence of their mechanism is in the name itself - the canvas is rolled up if you need to open the window. To expand or collapse them, you need to pull the chain. The canvas can be fixed at any length: the window can be closed completely or only part of it can be covered.

To choose the right curtains for the kitchen, you need to take into account several points:

  • web size
  • design (color, print, etc.),
  • production material
  • mounting method.

Depending on the density of the fabric from which the blinds are made, it is possible to completely or partially block sunlight.

The advantages and disadvantages of roller shutters have already been appreciated by many housewives and shared their impressions of their use in reviews *.

* Reviews are presented about rolshtors in general, without reference to the brand.

The expert in the following video clearly demonstrates the principle of work, pluses and minuses in the following video:


According to the standard, roller blinds are made up to 350 cm high and 300 cm wide.

Before heading to the store, take measurements:

  • the width and height of the window opening,
  • width and height of window sashes.

Roller blinds can be installed on the balcony door. In this case, the most successful installation method will be the method of mounting on the door frame so that it can be freely opened. On sale, as we have already indicated above, you can find roleta with a suitable blade length.

What are the shutters?

You can find the following types of blinds on sale.

  1. Open system. An axis with a web wound around it is in this case visible to the eye, which is why the system is called open.

  1. Cassette (UNI). They differ from the open ones in that the rolling axis in them is hidden in a special plastic box. Perfectly matched to the tone of the frame, the cassette makes them practically invisible against the background of the window.

  1. Rolshtora "day-night". This option is somewhat different from its counterparts in that the mechanism of operation is based on the displacement of several transparent and opaque canvases alternating between themselves. They allow you to adjust the penetration of light in the daytime. It is more convenient in comparison with other types, which are only uniform along the entire length of the rising and lowering canvas.

Choose a design

Roller shutters fit perfectly into the modern interior - hi-tech, scandi, minimalism, loft.

But you can meet quite good examples when they looked harmoniously in the interior of neoclassic, country or art deco. In these styles, shutters are often combined with curtains, light tulle or drapes.

The curtains themselves have a simple design. Certainly, therefore, it may seem to many that in the interior they will look office-boring and uncomfortable. But this is not entirely true.

And in a small kitchen, it is sometimes important that the curtains merge with the color of the walls and do not load the space.

But Scandinavian style and fusion will perfectly accept bright accents and prints of rich tones.

Today, the assortment in stores is so large that it is easy to get confused when choosing the right option. Perhaps the tips below will make it easier for you.

  1. The more active the overall design (the color of the walls, the design of the kitchen set, etc.), the more restrained the design of the curtains should be. There should not be many bright elements in the interior. If the emphasis is not curtains, then it is worth choosing options restrained or even merging with the color of the walls.
  2. If you are looking for options with a print, then pay attention to the plot of the picture. It should fit into the interior in style and meaning.
  3. To prevent too bright sunlight in the daytime, set it to “day-night” or combine roll with classic textile, for example, with tulle. Rolshtoras can be useful in that they can create complete darkness in the room or hide the kitchen from prying eyes in the dark.

Why they should be used in the kitchen

In the interior of the kitchen, the main thing is functionality, so the curtains perfectly match this room.

  • They are hygienic and ergonomic, while the canvas can have pronounced decorative properties, due to the color or pattern on the surface.
  • To protect the fabric in this type of curtains, special impregnations with water-repellent and dustproof effects are often used. Cotton, linen or polyester, of which the canvas is most often made, remains clean for a long time.
  • Care for the fabric with impregnation is very simple. If necessary, the surface can be wiped with a damp cloth or washed with soapy water.
  • A good option for the kitchen would be “rolls” with additional antibacterial and heat-resistant impregnation of the canvas.
  • Modern fabrics for roller blinds have a persistent color that does not fade from sunlight.
  • Fastening the kitchen roller blinds directly to the double-glazed window is considered optimal. In this case, each half of the window has a separate curtain, which allows you to freely open and close the wings. Side guides stop the web in tension.

If desired, roller blinds can be easily combined with traditional curtains. In this case, you can get a very interesting combination of colors, patterns and materials, which will be the highlight of your kitchen.


Types of roller blinds

  1. Cassette curtains have a tight fixation on the frame with the help of corners with screws. Typically, the roll is closed with a special box, and the sides of the curtains move along the guide plates installed on the glazing beads. The box, guides and fabric of the canvas have a single decorative solution. These curtains are very aesthetic, they do not sag, perfectly fitting to the glass in any position of the frame. In the raised position, the roll is completely closed by the box and gives the impression of decorating the top of the window.
  2. Mini curtains feature a lightweight design. They are attached to each casement of a plastic window with fixing adhesive tape. The design shaft has a reduced diameter. Corners or brackets are also very miniature. The advantage of mini curtains is easy installation and dismantling, after which there are no traces on the frame. As guides used fishing line or magnets.
  3. Roller blinds combine the advantages of design and design features of traditional curtains and blinds. The canvas “roll” of this type has lamellas made of various materials - bamboo, aluminum, plastic, dense polyester. Lamels are located horizontally and in a raised state are screwed onto the shaft, like classic blinds.
Curtains Quelle

Mechanism and remote control

The mechanism in the roller blinds is controlled manually or automatically - with the help of an electric drive mechanism operating from the mains or from rechargeable batteries inside the shaft. Especially spectacular is the rise and promotion of the web using a remotely controlled system with an infrared or radio remote control. Automatic curtains are suitable for high windows in spacious kitchens combined with a living room and dining room. This control method is also convenient for roller blinds made of dense heavy fabric with a significant weight of the canvas.


The cloth

Perhaps the most popular material, of which roller blinds for the kitchen are most often made, is polyester. Curtains made of polyester are highly durable, it is very easy to care for them (the fabric is easy to wash and dries quickly) and at the same time they are very affordable. Often these curtains have a beautiful texture and surprise with a variety of colors and patterns.

Natural materials

Good for the kitchen and roller blinds made of bamboo, jute or straw. In addition to naturalness, they have many advantages: first of all, a beautiful effective texture and the ability to protect the room well from the bright sun.

Bamboo curtains do not necessarily have a natural restrained color. For a kitchen in a modern style, bright multi-colored models from a material painted with modern dyes are perfect.

What curtains are called roller blinds and why

Roller curtains in the simplest version are a fabric fabric construction that is wound on a shaft located in the upper part of the window using a lifting mechanism. A special locking device allows you to fix the canvas at the desired level.

1. Inside the window opening

This method has several variations in the fixation mechanism:

  • on the frame
  • on the sash
  • on a slope closer to the edge.

The mounting method on the frame is convenient in that it allows you to freely open the window. And then there is the minus of this method of attachment - the sash cannot swing open in an upright position, because the shaft will abut.

2. Outside the window opening

This installation method allows you to maintain the integrity of the frame, and also simplifies the task of finding the optimal canvas size.

This installation method takes place when, in addition to the practical sun protection function, shutters also play the role of a decor element.

There are special hangers and Velcro that allow you to install the mechanism without mounting, but they do not fix the shutters so reliably. If the canvas is long and heavy, this option cannot be considered reliable.

See the video for quick and easy assembly:

Rolleta is most often made from synthetic fabrics - most of it is polyester. Also used are cotton, linen, viscose and combination fabrics, a mixture of synthetic and natural.

What room is the roll curtain suitable for?

Considering that the design of roller blinds, first of all, regulates light transmission well, a bedroom, a children's room and a home theater hall will be a great place to install them, in addition to the kitchen. The decorativeness of the rooms will not be disturbed, as the designers offer many color and textured blinds. They can be completely neutral with respect to the interior.

Selection rules

Roller blinds, at first glance, a simple design that does not require special attention, but depending on the material, color and special design findings can become a real decoration of the kitchen.

The color scheme in the creation of roll curtains is unlimited. The conditions for choosing shades dictate the style of the interior, the purpose of the room and its location.

On the windows, into which the sun's rays do not often penetrate, it is possible to place shutters made of light transparent fabric or fabric with a bright print, which is combined with kitchen accessories.

Sunny shades - golden, lemon, orange will be appropriate.

If the room is lit all daylight, the curtains can harmonize it with calm tones - blue or lilac, gray or pearl, green or cream.

The kitchen is a place for bold culinary and interior experiments. Therefore, listening to the advice of designers, do not be afraid and create your own style, bring colors into the kitchen space:

  1. life-affirming - red, yellow, green,
  2. tasty - blueberry, plum, orange, strawberry,
  3. romantic - blue, gray or purple.

You can choose a pure white color, which, in any case, will make the room light and weightless.


The main materials for this type of curtains are presented in the form of fabric materials, wood, bamboo and rollite.

Rollitte - special roll-up curtains recommended for plastic windows. They are attached tightly to the sash, very ergonomic. The operation of the design of the curtains is simple and undemanding in maintenance. For 100% dimming, this is the best option.

In the manufacture of roller blinds, a variety of fabric materials are used: silk, polyester, jacquard. Mixed fiber fabrics are very popular: jute, linen, cotton, linen. When creating roll structures, a one-piece canvas is used, sometimes with a finished image or photo printing.

Wood is one of the most traditional sun protection materials. Curtains use natural wood specially treated and varnished. Such curtains will not violate the classic interior, but will harmoniously fit into it, creating an atmosphere of comfort, naturalness and solidity. Designers provide the opportunity to choose different shades.

Bamboo roll structures will please environmentalists, as this is a real natural material. Designers make curtains from bamboo in different color options and weaving. Designs made of bamboo are lightweight and have good light transmission. Clothes for a window made of bamboo will become an element of exotic in the kitchen.

Curtain size

The size of the curtains depends on their type:

  • open curtains of the "Standard" system, designed for windows of standard sizes, equipped with a shaft with a diameter of 30 mm, with a canvas height of 200 cm and a width of 180 cm,
  • Blackout curtains can be up to 3.5 meters wide and up to 4.5 meters high with a shaft diameter of up to 70 cm,
  • attic systems can be in size from 1m x 1.4m to 1.8 mx 1.8 m.

Workshops offer the manufacture of roll-up curtains, both in standard sizes and for individual orders. For manufacturing it is necessary to take correct measurements from the window and know the parameters “width and height”:

  • window opening
  • sash windows
  • each glass separately.

How to attach roll curtains

The fastening depends on the type and design of the curtain. Open-type roll structures are mounted on and above the window. Use the following mounting methods using:

  • double-sided tape is the easiest way.
  • Drills and self-tapping screws are the most reliable way.

When attaching closed curtains of a closed type, it is necessary to take into account the presence of a box. So, step by step instructions for this type of curtain:

  • Open the kit and carefully lay out all the accessories.
  • Try the cornice to the window and make marks for the fasteners.
  • Using self-tapping screws, attach the cornice to the upper horizontal window strip.
  • Make sure the mount is functioning.
  • Glue the upper edge of the side guide under the cover of the control unit, first on one side, then, similarly, on the other side.
  • Lower the curtain using a chain to the level of the rubber seal and install the stopper.
  • Secure the control circuit retainer with screws.
  • Put on the box lid and snap it into place.

Secrets of the roll mechanism

The operation of roll-up curtains is even simpler than the installation: the web height is adjusted using a side chain. The "secret" mechanism of roller blinds is built on four basic structural elements:

Use a roller blind with care, as the material of the fasteners is plastic. By lubricating the mechanism from time to time with silicone-containing agents, their useful life can be significantly extended.

Pros and cons of design

Curtains in the form of rolls are becoming increasingly popular due to the many advantageous characteristics:

  • aesthetics
  • compactness
  • practicality,
  • durability,
  • universality
  • undemanding care.

They do not occupy space at all, and due to the strong fixation of the canvas, they reduce the fire hazard in the kitchen.

If the consumer opts for quality products of a responsible manufacturer, he may encounter the only drawback of roller blinds - a significant price.But I want to say that the cost of rolled curtains fully pays for itself with a long and faithful service.

Roller blinds for the kitchen with a balcony

When designing the window opening of the kitchen, which is combined with the balcony, several conditions must be met: to decorate the window space and not create obstacles for opening and closing the door. Roller blinds are ideal for a kitchen with a balcony, as they can be mounted on a window opening or on each individual sash. This design does not block the doorway and does not violate the aesthetic appearance of the room. Moreover, you can create a set in a single style from curtains on the window and on the door.

How to sew a roller blind on your own

For the manufacture of roller blinds, you will need the following material:

  • the cloth,
  • metal pipe with a diameter of 1.8 cm,
  • ready-made mount for curtains 2 m,
  • plumb bar
  • glue "Moment",
  • screws
  • hacksaw,
  • drill.

According to the following algorithm, we make a curtain:

  • We measure the length and width of the window sash.
  • We saw off from the pipe a size equal to the width.
  • We cut out the curtain, leaving 2 cm on all sides.
  • From below we bend the edge and sew. We insert into it a wooden window glazing bead as a plumb.
  • We insert fasteners for a roll design in a metal pipe.
  • Apply glue to the pipe and glue the fabric cloth.
  • The roller blind is ready.
  • Using a drill, we fix the second part of the fasteners to the window frame.
  • We insert a pipe with a curtain into the grooves.

The history of fashion is cyclical, this also applies to fashion for the interior. Roller blinds gain new popularity due to the characteristics that satisfy the needs of the modern lifestyle: they are easy to use, functional, durable and decorative.

What roller blinds are there and how are they different?

In all markets of products for room decoration, several options for this coating are presented. They differ among themselves by the features of the mechanisms and the structure of the main canvas. For the kitchen interior, it is customary to apply the following types.

  • Classical. This option is mounted on a wall or window opening. This type includes open roller blinds in the kitchen. They are in demand due to their low cost. But the canvas itself requires regular cleaning for a long service life. The price of products will depend on the size.

Classic roller blinds have a width of 50 to 300 centimeters, and a length of 100 to 300 centimeters.

  • Cassette. They differ from the previous type by the presence of a plastic box, which helps to roll the fabric part of the curtains into a roll. This design provides an invisible placement of the mechanism on the window opening. It is important to choose not only the color of the roll you like, but also the box itself.

The model is often used for placement in small kitchens.

  • Rolshtora. Installation of this type involves mounting on a sash. In turn, they are divided into the design of open and closed types. May complement traditional curtains.

Dimensions vary in width from 30 to 160 centimeters, and in length from 140 to 180 centimeters.

  • Roll view "Zebra". From the name it is clear that the key feature is the texture in the form of zebra stripes. There is transparent and colored fabric on the canvas.

This allows you to adjust the lighting in the room, which is important in sunny summer weather.

Important! When choosing, the functional feature of roller blinds is taken into account. The comfort of their use depends on this.


  • Compact size. The twisted state of the canvas does not take up much space and does not spoil the external perception of the room. There are variations of almost imperceptible designs. Their use allows you to free up space on the windowsill for flowers and other decorative elements.
  • Let in light. If you roll the fabric, the light will completely illuminate the room. With ordinary curtains or blinds this will not happen.

They prevent sunlight from entering the kitchen.

  • Easy to use. The design of roller blinds is very simple. It is enough to use buttons or a chain, which depends on the model, and the roll will take the necessary position.
  • Many options for installation. The system itself will look good when installed on a wall or window frame.

So you can complement the interior of the kitchen or visually increase the space in small rooms.

  • They are easy to care for. The coating does not require the use of special chemicals or regular washing. It is enough to wipe it regularly with a damp cloth so that the fabric does not fade.
  • Easy to install by yourself. If you bought roller blinds, then you can not worry about their installation. You do not need to use cornices, just attach the structure with screws to the wall or window opening.

They are great for use in the kitchen.

Features Rolshtor

Rolshtora - a type of blinds. The principle of operation is that the canvas is wound on a special roller, the location of which is located at the top of the window opening. Installation is possible even on doors with glass.

Rolshtora - a type of blinds.

Features of this device:

• practicality
• long service life,
• different degrees of light transmission,
• a wide range of textures, materials and shades,
• aesthetic appearance.

Rolshtoras are chosen for the kitchen, so that they protect the room from sunlight. If necessary, complete protection will suit dark shades, but if it is not necessary, translucent.

Choose curtains in the kitchen so that they protect the room from sunlight

The advantage of such curtains is that full access remains to the windowsill, but there is protection from the eyes from the street. For those who have an allergic reaction to dust, this option will be optimal. Windows can always be opened to ventilate the room.

For those who have an allergic reaction to dust, this option will be optimal.

Note! The most compact mounting option is to a plastic window. The space remains completely free and you can put something on the windowsill.

How to determine the right size

In order to determine the parameters of roller blinds on plastic windows in the kitchen, you need to understand where they will be installed.
1. On the window opening - during installation it is necessary to have a drill and screws, since the curtain is mounted on the wall. The entire opening will close. The window sill will also be completely closed; opening the window will become uncomfortable. This option is advised if the window is dull. To obtain the width of the curtain, you should measure the distance from one edge to the other and add at least five centimeters to the resulting amount.

In order to determine the parameters of roller blinds on plastic windows in the kitchen, you need to understand where they will be installed.

2. On the window frame - the product fits snugly against the sash. When the curtains are completely lowered, access to the window sill will be preserved, there will also be the possibility of opening the window and adjusting how much to raise the unit separately on each leaf. Installation takes place without drilling the wall. In order to find out the required canvas size, measure the width of the glass and add three centimeters to it. If the sash profile allows you can add four. Do not forget about the fittings, it is also taken into account. The product should hang freely.

When the curtains are completely lowered, access to the window sill will be preserved, there will also be the possibility of opening the window and adjusting how much to raise the unit separately on each leaf.

Important! Rollet should not just close the glass, but go slightly beyond its frame by two centimeters. The view will be more harmonious, and sun protection is much better.

Light transmission roll curtain

This criterion is selected based on the location of the window relative to the sun in the house, and individual preferences of the owner of the apartment are also taken into account. Depending on this, there are several types of light transmission.

This criterion is selected based on the location of the window relative to the sun in the house, and individual preferences of the owner of the apartment are also taken into account.


Sunlight is partially transmitted, while heat is retained. They give the effect of light shade. Look great with textile decor. Such roller blinds in the kitchen are combined with tulle.

Sunlight is partially transmitted, while heat is retained. They give the effect of light shade.


Used as a decor. Perfectly scatter sunlight. Mainly combined with curtains and curtains.

Used as a decor. Perfectly scatter sunlight. Mainly combined with curtains and curtains.


Protect not only from the sun, but also from prying eyes. The design is lightweight and comfortable to use. Do not allow the room to heat up. Absorb street noise.

Protect not only from the sun, but also from prying eyes.

Day Night

Two types of horizontal stripes are combined: enlightened and opaque. With their help, you can adjust the light penetrating from the street into the room.

Two types of horizontal stripes are combined: enlightened and opaque.


They are a multilayer fabric that traps the ultraviolet rays of the sun. The room will be very dark.

They are a multilayer fabric that traps the ultraviolet rays of the sun

Blended fabric

For the manufacture of synthetic or natural fibers. This technology combines only the best characteristics of various materials. The main feature is versatility. It will protect from dust and drafts, absolutely safe, durable, reliable, elastic. It has a democratic value, pleasant to the touch. Color lasts a long time and does not fade in the sun. It does not require any maintenance, allows air to pass through. There is only one drawback - if it has a lot of synthetics, then it does not suit people who have sensitive skin.

The main feature is versatility. It will protect from dust and drafts, absolutely safe, durable, reliable, elastic.

Polyester PVC

Such material occupies a leading position. This is not surprising, given that it has such advantages as practicality, durability, high light transmission, good light reflection, optimal light absorption and even antistatic ability. When combined with cotton, it has optimal shrinkage, but moisture resistance decreases. If the material is combined with satin or viscose, it will get originality, a small level of shrinkage and natural beauty.
Based on the foregoing, a person can independently decide which roller blinds are better to choose in the kitchen.

Such material occupies a leading position. This is not surprising, given that it has such advantages as practicality

Design and drawings

In the interior of the kitchen, roller blinds can have a variety of patterns. With the help of them, the kitchen can be visually enlarged or reduced, making its interior original and attractive.

In the interior of the kitchen, roller blinds can have a variety of patterns.

Additional Information! If the wallpaper is printed with a print, then the curtains are selected in plain color. Upholstery and design should always be combined.


Various flowers are depicted. Thanks to this option, a bright accent is introduced into the interior. Large plants on the curtains are suitable for large kitchens, for compact rooms - small. Most often, bright and catchy colors are used.

Various flowers are depicted. Thanks to this option, a bright accent is introduced into the interior.


Each geometric shape affects a person. Therefore, when choosing, do not forget that the rectangle provides stability and solidity, and balance, along with stability, symbolizes a square, equality - a circle. When choosing, temperament is also taken into account:

Therefore, when choosing, do not forget that the rectangle provides stability and solidity, and balance, along with stability, symbolizes a square, equality - a circle.

• smooth lines fit choleric,
• phlegmatic people should choose clear lines,
• melancholy fit geometric shapes, the main thing is that they are pastel colors,
• sanguine feels comfortable in the kitchen, where the roller blinds are bright in color with contrasting geometry.

This image is suitable for coffee lovers, especially if the kitchen is made in the style of this drink. Such a product looks original and will bring notes of chic and elegance into the space.

This image is suitable for coffee lovers, especially if the kitchen is made in the style of this drink.

Monograms and ornaments

Curtains are matched a tone darker than furniture. The abstract theme around the edges fits perfectly into the kitchen interior. Bright colors are also welcome - lemon, orange, olive.

Curtains are matched a tone darker than furniture. The abstract theme around the edges fits perfectly into the kitchen interior.

Fruits and vegetables

A suitable option for the kitchen, especially if there is a similar plan kitchen apron. When looking at such a pattern, the appetite will break out, and the absorption of food will become more pleasant.

A suitable option for the kitchen, especially if there is a similar plan kitchen apron.

With photo printing

On such curtains put a photo or other image. They are divided into closed and open. The first ones have a box with which the working shaft is closed, so the drawing is not visible when folded. The latter are mounted on the wall or on the frame, the roll hangs evenly. Both types are very easy to use. Reliable fastening provides long service life of this product. The special feature is dust and dirt resistance. Made to order.

On such curtains put a photo or other image.

With the help of roller blinds, the kitchen is easy to transform, make it original and stylish. A correctly selected product will bring reassurance, or vice versa, unleash an appetite.


There are no pronounced minuses in the design itself. But on sale often come across low-quality products that deteriorate after a few weeks of service. Therefore, experts recommend carefully approaching the selection, taking into account the features of the mechanism for twisting the canvas. And also take into account the quality of the fabric coating itself.

Curtains are very expressive and can turn the most ordinary-looking small room into a stylish design solution.

What fabrics are they made of?

There are several options for the main material, namely:

  • Polyester. It has a long service life and is appreciated for its durability. When closed, such a roller shutter will actively absorb light. In addition, it has an antistatic effect without applying chemicals.
  • PVC A budget option. With proper care, they can last a long time. Suitable for the sunny side, as they do not change color from constant exposure to sunlight.
  • Natural materials. They always look rich and beautiful. Differ in the high price. This option will fit perfectly into the ethnic interior.

For the production of such curtains, cotton, linen or polyester are most often used, and such materials remain clean for a long time.

What roller blinds are suitable for plastic windows?

Plastic windows are the most popular designs and roll curtains look great on them. To decorate the kitchen, you can use any of the above types of curtains.

The main thing to consider is the interior and the dimensions of the room.

For small kitchens, fabric versions of roller blinds that are mounted on the window surface are suitable. They will save space, and free up space on the windowsill.If the room is large, then often experiment with this type of curtains that are mounted on the wall.

This adds extra flavor to the kitchen.

How to choose roller blinds in the kitchen: color, material and pattern

When choosing pay attention not only to the convenience of design. The following indicators are distinguished.

  • Colour. This selection criterion depends on the general concept of the room. For pastel colors, lighter colors are suitable. If the room has tiles with interesting patterns, then roller blinds can be selected with an ornament. If desired, many stores provide the opportunity for copyright works to order the desired shade for the features of the kitchen interior.

Roller blinds perfectly protect from bright sunlight, while not making the kitchen too gloomy.

  • Material. For a long service life, polyester is suitable, which pleases with an affordable cost. If the price does not matter, then the elegance of the kitchen will add a canvas of natural materials. But buying them, it is worth considering the need for regular care. For apartments on the sunny side, you need to choose a material that reflects the sun's rays and does not deteriorate when absorbed.

Rolshtora are easily installed on plastic windows.

  • Drawing. The minimalist design of the kitchen can harmoniously complement the roller shutter with an ornament. In such a room, canvases with different bright images are often used. Most often these are flowers, fruits or landscapes.

An abundance of choice will allow you to choose the right option for the features of the kitchen.

Recommendations for choosing kitchen rolshtor

Such an element of the interior affects the overall perception of the room. When choosing, it is recommended to consider the following.

  • Way of fastening. For small kitchens - on the window opening, and for large kitchens - on the wall.
  • The cloth. On the sunny side, roller blinds with the properties to absorb the sun's rays are suitable and not deteriorate at the same time.
  • Sizes. The cost and ease of installation depends on this. Large items are difficult to mount.
  • Interior. In order not to spoil the overall impression of the kitchen, suitable tones, patterns or ornaments are selected.

When choosing roller blinds, it is necessary to proceed from your needs, color preferences and financial capabilities.

Care for curtains in the kitchen

The long service life of such a product will please every owner if he follows three simple rules.

Most buyers, leaving feedback on roller blinds, are very happy with their purchase.

  • Ventilation. Roller blinds need constant ventilation. This is easy to do, just open the window for a couple of hours. So the kitchen smell will not collect on the fabric, which can spread throughout the apartment.
  • A vacuum cleaner will help with cleaning. It is recommended that the coating be vacuumed, especially if there are animals in the house. Dust particles or small debris can accumulate on them. Regular vacuuming will prevent damage to the canvas and discoloration.
  • Washing for fabric curtains is an excellent solution. Choose a gentle wash so that the delicate surface does not tear. If there are spots, then they are removed with ordinary stain removers. At the end of the wash, it is important to rinse with warm water so that no detergent remains. Otherwise, there will be divorces and the process of leaving will have to be repeated.

Such designs protect well from sunlight, are easily attached, and are easy to care for.

Rolshtoras in different styles of kitchen interior in 2019

Stylistically, you can choose different options for roller blinds. Interior designers highlight the following recommendations.

  • You need to apply shades that cause positive emotions. This creates a comfortable environment.

Such curtains are convenient for the kitchen, and various color schemes can add a twist to any interior.

  • Pay attention to the location of the windows. When they go south, they add cool colors to the interior. It can be gray, green or blue. If they live in the north, then apply warm colors: orange, cream, pink and even gold with yellow tints.

You can always choose the right color that is right for your interior.

  • Harmony with decor. In harmony, each element will complement each other so that there is no oversaturation of shades and textures.

By combining the strips, the desired light transmission is achieved, or vice versa, complete insulation.

  • The color of the curtains should not match the color of the walls. So the window will lose its significance. It should stand out and not merge with the overall picture of the entire room.

Modern trends in the interior advise combining simplicity and rigor in the design of the window zone in the kitchen.

  • If you want to add unusual to the interior, use curly rolls. The bottom of such curtains is not even, but has a certain shape. It can be smooth waves or sharp corners. Depending on the general concept of the kitchen.

To make the kitchen look harmonious and stylish, it is necessary not only to take into account the shade of the curtains, but also the shape and size.


Rolshtora in the kitchen is a great addition to the room. They stand out for their practicality, ease of use and aesthetic beauty. Used in combination with any interiors to create the completeness of kitchens. The main thing is to deal with the types and rules of choice for the purchase of a quality product.

With proper care, roller blinds will look beautiful and neat.